Taking Your Wisdom to the next Level

Your Horoscope for December 22, 2024


Last Quarter Moon today could bring to the surface issues to be faced and resolved in a positive manner.

This is a good opportunity to bring family and friends together in camaraderie and enjoy the year-end festivities.

From eucalyptus aromatherapy to listening to choir music, you will find more than one hundred ways to heal your mind, body, and active spirit. It’s stellar self-care especially for you, Gemini!

Aqua Lemuria is a stone of unconditional Love, helping one to both feel and express this supreme emotion. It is a calming stone, allowing one to release stress and give compassionate attention to others as well as oneself.

Use these unique astrological crystal talismans for self-improvement and growth. The pouch contains four crystals attuned to the Gemini astrological sign: two for amplifying your virtues and two for rectifying your weaknesses.