Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024 at 6:17 am EDT
Mysterious and captivating Full Moon lunations have always enthralled Mankind. With their snowy white disks illuminating the night sky, they shed a dreamy sensation across the land, dancing in and out among the clouds. This Full Moon is called Buck Moon, indicating the time of year when the male deer (buck) begins to grow his new antlers for the coming year. As the buck ages, the regrowing antlers become bigger and stronger through the years.
This lunation which occurs at 29o Capricorn on July 21, 2024, at 6:17 am EDT is in its detriment and conjuncts a retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto will enter Capricorn on September 2 before going direct on October 11th. This could be a time of much turmoil in all governmental structures. This lunation could also affect The United States as it is directly opposing the US’s natal Moon at 25o Taurus This lunation also trines the fixed star Algol, known in ancient times as the harbinger of either a death of a leader/King or war. What is of concern with this lunation as a harbinger of great turmoil, Uranus is transiting Taurus and is conjunct Mars and the two conjunct Algol. The last time Uranus conjuncted Algol was in 1939, when World War II erupted.
The Cancer/Capricorn axis is all about the demands of private life juxtaposing the public life and the tension arising from trying to accommodate both needs. While Cancer prompts us to attend to the needs of home and family, Capricorn on the other hand demands attention to career/work and our position in the community. Many of us feel we are on a seesaw, going up and down emotionally trying to meet these opposing demands. During this lunation the astrological lesson is to find the fulcrum, the middle point and learn to address both ends of the axis in equal measure.
As cited above, this lunation connects to Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Pluto, emotions run high and could have long-term consequences. If we center ourselves and approach the events from a higher viewpoint, we will come out the better for the pressure put upon us, during this time. “No pressure, no diamonds.”
During this lunation, take time to quietly reflect upon your deepest wants and desires and see if your current life path is heading in that direction. If not, then take the time to seriously meditate on what is needed to make that happen. Remember “ask and it is given,” asks genuinely and sincerely knowing that the Universe is pliant and always willing to answer.
Below is a brief outline of the effects of this lunation through the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
Aries -Full Moon in your solar 10th house today is a day of public and private interests, both demanding equal opportunities. You could feel that you are being pulled in two different directions that are almost impossible to pursue simultaneously.
Taurus – Full Moon today in your solar 9th house infuses you with energies to actively push the boundaries of knowledge. A great time to pursue your interests in the Occult/Mysteries. Not a good time to travel abroad.
Gemini – Full Moon in your solar 8th house is a time when you can set long-range financial goals. Events today could show you how important it is to secure your financial interests.
Cancer – Full Moon in your solar 7th house is a time when business partners/family demands erupt, and you need to put out the fire.
Leo – Full Moon in your solar 6th house prompts you to review your health routines. Also, a day to look at how you interact with your colleagues, there needs to be a fine balance between your wants and their interests.
Virgo – Full Moon in your solar 5th house could bring up family and or lover problems that will require inventive answers.
Libra – Full Moon in your solar 4th house could be a tense day, but an eventful one. A situation today could show you how to use your inner energies to make your life work as you want it to.
Scorpio – Full Moon in your solar 3rd house is a day of high emotions and fast paced events. This is a test time to find the way to use your energies in a positive manner.
Sagittarius – Full Moon in your solar 2nd house today is a tense day. At this time, you emotionally identify with your possessions or what you value. Events today could show you how you deal with your value system.
Capricorn – Full Moon in your solar 1st house, could bring up an issue that could show you how to cope more effectively with the daily routine.
Aquarius – Full Moon in your solar 12th house, could be a difficult day for you. Energy levels could fluctuate a bit more unevenly than usual.
Pisces – Full Moon in your solar 11th house is a tense day, if you are out of touch with your inner self this day could highlight this. Listen to your heart, not what others say.