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An Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine

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This abridgement presents the central insight of the original text in accessible form, simplified by the selection of those passages that are most interesting and relevant for the contemporary reader. This is a good first step toward grasping some of the basic tenets of Theosophy.

We suggest the reader begin his/her induction into Esoteric Knowledge by starting with an abridgment of the Secret Doctrine before going unto the magnus opus: The Secret Doctrine.” The SD (as commonly known among students) is a comprehensive survey of the origin of the Kosmos and the prehistory of humanity.

Written more than 134 years ago, it anticipated the discoveries of modern cosmology affected and those yet to come. It brings forward a complete outline of evolution on this earth that modern biology is just beginning to come to terms with.

A brilliant synthesis of religion, philosophy and science presented within a framework of an Ancient Wisdom tradition, inherited from the dawn of human life. It is the basis for all modern esotericisms. It declares the Oneness of all existence, the cyclic manifestation of worlds from that Oneness, and the purposeful evolution of life toward greater awareness.

H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine is a book of discovery, opening vistas in time, world and consciousness. Exploring these vistas brings the reader to a continually expanding vision of the Kosmos and the place humanity has in it.

Product Details:
ISBN: 9780835600095
Paperback, 260 pages.
Publisher: Quest Books, Published: January 1967
Size: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5, Weight:  0.65 Lbs.


Helena P. Blavatsky
(1831 – 1891)


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (known to students the world over fondly as HPB) was born August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849 she married N. V. Blavatsky, and shortly thereafter began more than 20 years of extensive travel, which brought her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. She was the principal founder of The Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875 and devoted her extraordinary literary talents to its humanitarian and educational purposes until her death in London, England, on May 8, 1891.


Elizabeth Preston
(1895 – 1968)

Miss Preston was admitted to the Theosophical Society in 1910. She served as Secretary of the Science Group of the Theosophical Research Centre during her years in England. Following retirement from teaching, she worked in Adyar as Assistant Recording Secretary. She was active in Theosophical work at the international level.

During her last years, she lived in Kotagiri in the Nilgiri Hills, where she founded the Women’s Cooperative, a project to assist native women. She died there on October 8, 1968. “At the time of her passing she was a member of the General Council and had been working on the preparation of the history of The Theosophical Society for the centennial year.”


Christmas Humphreys

Born in London, the descendant of a line of lawyers. In 1924 he was called to the bar, having read Law at Cambridge. In the same year he founded the Buddhist Lodge of the Theosophical Society, which became The Buddhist Society, led by the author until his death nearly 60 years later. He was regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the religion in Britain, writing some 20 books on the subject.

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Thank you.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.65 × 8.5 in


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