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Aquamarine Pyramid



“Aquamarine is a Cardinal water element stone. It is a powerful cleansing agent for the emotional body and its one of the best stones to employ in clearing communication issues. Aquamarine is perhaps one of the strongest stones for clearing and activating the Throat chakra. It stimulates the flow of energy from the heart to throat, assisting one with speaking ones deepest and most heartfelt truth. It can help one overcome the fear of speaking and its an excellent stone for the support of teacher and presenters of all types.”  -Naisha Ahsian “Book of Stones

“Keywords: Cooling, soothing, enhancement of clear communication

Element: Water

Chakra: Throat (5th) Heart (4th)

Spiritual: Activates the Throat chakra, facilitates communication of one’s truth, sooths excessively fiery energies and promotes understanding between divergent view points, it helps clear stagnant energy and assists one in releasing old patterns. ”

Emotional: Aquamarine helps one release old emotional baggage and ego roles. it calms anger and hysteria, assists in releasing vengeful thoughts, and helps one see where one is perpetuating negative emotional patterns in relationships. It is useful in moving through grief

Physical: Aquamarine is a cooling stone. it helps counter infection and is especially useful for laryngitis, Strep throat or sore throat. It supports healing of inflammatory diseases of all types. It is soothing to eczema, hives, rosacea and psoriasis. Aquamarine quiets the nervous system. It can help one avoid outbreaks of herpes and it can help curb allergy symptoms.

Affirmation: I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calm certainty

Description: “Aquamarine is a blue or blue green variety of beryllium aluminum silicate mineral with a hardness of 7.5 to 8. its crystal system is hexagonal (trigonal) and its pigment is iron. History records its first use in Greece between 300 and 500BC. Its name derived from the Latin meaning ‘water of the sea’ Is an apt description of the color and clarity of fine aquamarine crystals. Aquamarine has been mines in Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Australia, Africa and United States.”


Product Detail:
Origin: Brazil
Size: 1.5 X 1.5 inches or 30mm, approximately. Weight: 0.35Lbs.
This Pyramid comes in an organza bag with a descriptor card detailing its metaphysical properties.

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Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 1.5 in


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