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Astrology For Initiates

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By borrowing from Burgoyne and the Continental astrological tradition, Papus produced a work that provides fresh insights to the English-speaking astrological tradition. Lehman’s introduction places Papus in an historical perspective and explains his influence in late 19th and early 20th century France. In translating this work from the French, he has given English speaking students of astrology and the Western Mystery Tradition an important source work.

Product Details:
ISBN: 9780877288947
Paperback, 160 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books, Published: January 15, 1996
Size: 5.47 x 0.53 x 8.31 inches, Weight: 0.400 Lbs.

Author – Papus

Dr. Gérard Encausse (1865–1916), also known as Papus, was an influential French occultist. He was the cofounder of premier occult journal L’Initiation and a lively weekly paper of occult news and opinion, Le Voile d’Isis (The Veil of Isis). He also founded the Groupe Indépendant d’Études ésoteriques (Independent Group of Esoteric Studies) and was an important leader of Ordre de la Rose+Croix Kabbalistique (Order of the Kabbalistic Rose+Cross), the leading French magical order of the time. Papus played a crucial role in reformulating the Martinist Order, an organization that remains active today.

Translator – J. Lee Lehman, PH. D.

Alas, Papus cannot speak for himself, but it was a privilege to have the opportunity to translate him. Papus provides a very interesting historical perspective in astrology, since his life encompassed many of the occult trends of the 19th and early 20th centuries: Martinism, Theosophy, magic, and astrology. Known more prominently in Tarot circles than astrology ones, it is a shame that Papus had not had the chance to complete this work before he died.

But what is truly interesting is that, in this era prior to modern word processing, Papus created his work initially by pasting together his writing with that of others he clearly planned to use as his primary sources. Formost among these was Thomas Burgoyne’s Light of Egypt: itself a highly interesting document from the lineage of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.


The French physician Papus (Gerard Encausse, 1865-1916) was involved in many secret societies. Papus alone was in a unique position to synthesize these influences into his astrological and esoteric work. His mentors included Francois Charels Berlet, who was involved in the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, as well as being the premier French astrologer of his day; and Thomas Burgoyne, the author of The Light of Egypt (explaining the principles and practices of the Hermetic Brotherhood). By borrowing from Burgoyne and the Continental astrological tradition, Papus produced a work that provides fresh insights to the English speaking astrological tradition. J. Lee Lehman’s translation from the French maintains the integrity of the original work and is highlighted with explanatory notes and updated supplemental material. Astrology For Initiates is a valuable addition to any astrological studies reference shelf. — Midwest Book Review

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Additional information

Weight 0.40 lbs
Dimensions 5.47 × 0.53 × 8.31 in


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