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Chrysocolla Tumble Stones


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Keywords: Communication, expression of the sacred, goddess energies, gentleness and power

Element: Water

Chakras: Throat (5th), Heart (4th), Root (1st)

Spiritual: Chrysocolla governs all aspects of sound healing, whether through words or sound frequencies. Its energy teaches us how sound affects our physical reality and how we can change that reality by adjusting the way we use our words. Chrysocolla’s energy facilitates communication between all beings by promoting the expression of heart energy

Emotional: Chrysocolla assists one in owning the value of one’s experiences, knowledge and contribution. It helps one feel more secure when communicating with others and helps dispel fear in social situations or when one is speaking in a highly charged emotional situation. It can assist one in releasing patterns of sarcasm, criticism and facetiousness in one’s communions with others, as well as releasing the fear from which these patterns stem.

Physical:  Chrysocolla assist in the release of stress, anxiety, and other fear-based imbalances in the body. It can assist in the regulation of the thyroid and adrenals. it is excellent for sore throats, laryngitis and for support of the larynx in general.

Affirmation:  I listen deeply to the voice within and express it with freedom, spontaneity, passion and reverence

Description: “Chrysocolla is a hydrous copper silicate with a hardness of 2 to 4. most frequently the color is green, blue or blue-green, though impurities can darken it to brown or black. its crystal system is amorphous, and it occurs mostly in closed packed aggerates, and sometimes in botryoidal, stalactite, fibrous or earthy forms.”

“Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies, in both women and men. It emanates gentleness and power, teaching that genuine power best expresses itself through gentleness. it is a stone of the goddess, and those who resonate with Chrysocolla will likely feel her ancient and enduring energies rising within themselves. Chrysocolla stimulates the throat chakra for clear communication of one’s inner wisdom. It can even be an aid to learning what wisdom actually is.

Chrysocolla harmonizes with Larimar, Aquamarine, Ajoite, Malachite, Azurite, Lapis, Shattuckite.” -Robert Simmons, “Pocket Book of Stones

Product Details:
Origin: U.S.A, Zaire, Chile and Russia
Size: 1.5 to 2.0 inches, Weight: 0.050 Lbs.
Specimens vary in shape, size (usually from 1.5 to 2 inches) in length, and color intensity.
Comes in an organza bag with a descriptor card detailing its metaphysical properties.


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Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 0.5 × 1.5 in


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