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Epidote Tumble Stone


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Keywords: Release of negativity, embracing positivity patterns, attraction of what one emanates

Element: Earth, Water

Chakra: All, Dominantly Heart (4th)

Spiritual: Epidote teaches one to raise the vibration of one’s thoughts, words and actions so one’s physical reality can be transformed. It lovingly reveals where one is holding negative patterns or willfully indulging in negativity as a way to protect oneself emotionally. It can assist in raising the frequency of denser matter to more enlightened levels.

Emotional: Epidote assist in releasing patterns of negativity from the emotional body. It can help those habitually use judgment, sarcasm, ‘wit’ or other expressions of negativity to raise the energy of their emotional bodies to a more positive, enlightened levels. Its helps one overcome hopelessness and depressed emotional states and lends one a sense of optimism.

Physical: Epidote immediately raises the vibration in areas that are congested, filled, with debris, or overly dense. It can help one find the core patterns behind physical disease and can assist one in moving into a hopeful and positive emotional state to support general healing. It is excellent for working on cancerous tumors, cystitis, fibrosis and similar manifestations.

Affirmation: I release my negative habits and embrace the positive, knowing that i reap what i sow.

Description: Epidote is an iron aluminum silicate with a monoclinic crystal system and a hardness of 6-7. Its color can be black, dark green or yellow green. epidote crystals have been found in Austria, Pakistan, Mexico, Norway, Mozambique and the USA.

Epidote tends to bring one more of what one already has, in accordance with ones highest good. For example, if one is filled with love and generosity, working with epidote will bring more of these traits into one’s life. If on the other hand, one is filled with negative thoughts, jealousy and intolerance, Epidote will greatly increase the supply of those energies too. – R0bert Simmons, “Pocket Book of Stones.

Product Details:
Origin: Worldwide
Size: 1 to 1.5 inches, Weight: 0.100Lbs
Specimens vary in shape, size (usually from 1.5 to 2 inches) in length, and color intensity.
Comes in an organza bag with a descriptor card detailing its metaphysical properties.


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Additional information

Weight 0.30 lbs
Dimensions 1.5 × 1 × 105 in


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