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Isis Unveiled, 2 Volumes Set

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ISIS UNVEILED was H. P. Blavatsky’s first major literary effort, a critical response to the growing materialism in both scientific and religious institutions, and a vindication of the ageless quest. In the author’s words, Isis ‘is the fruit of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with Eastern adepts and study of their science. . .. They showed us that by combining science with religion, the existence of God and immortality of man’s spirit may be demonstrated.’ Supported by extensive evidence from religious and mystical traditions, classical scholarship, and the testimony of nature, these volumes aid the student in detecting the vital principles which underlie the philosophical systems of old. Volume I focuses on the prevailing scientific theories of the time, balanced against the ‘anciently universal Wisdom Religion,’ while Volume II examines the creeds of religions past and present, alongside the myths and symbols of various cultures. Throughout, the author strikes at the root of dogma and affirms the ‘paramount importance of re-establishing the Hermetic philosophy in a world which blindly believes it has outgrown it. This edition also includes two articles by H. P. Blavatsky on the writing of Isis Unveiled: ‘My Books’ (1891) and ‘Theories About Reincarnation and Spirits’ (1886).

Editorial Reviews

One of the most remarkable productions of the century. —New York Herald, 1877

It must be acknowledged that she is a remarkable woman, who has read more, seen more, and thought more than most wise men. Her work abounds in quotations from a dozen different languages, not for the purpose of a vain display of erudition, but to substantiate her peculiar views . . . her pages are garnished with footnotes establishing, as her authorities, some of the profoundest writers of the past. To a large class of readers, this remarkable work will prove of absorbing interest . . . demands the earnest attention of thinkers and merits an analytic reading. —Boston Evening Transcript, 1877

The appearance of erudition is stupendous. Reference to and quotations from the most unknown and obscure writers in all languages abound, interspersed with allusions to writers of the highest repute, which have evidently been more than skimmed through. —N. Y. Independent, 1877

Product Detail:
ISBN: 9780911500035
Paperback 2 volumes, pages 1471
Publisher: Theophy University Press, Published: February 1999
Size: 6.25 x 2.5 x 9 inches, Weight: 4Lbs.

Author – Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
(1831 – 1891)

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (known fondly to students of Theosophy as HPB) was born on August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav), Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849 she married N. V. Blavatsky, and shortly thereafter began more than 20 years of extensive travel, which brought her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. She was the principal founder of the Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875 and devoted her extraordinary literary talents to its humanitarian and educational purposes until her death in London, England, on May 8, 1891. Along with writing her several books, H. P. Blavatsky kept up a voluminous correspondence and also contributed a steady stream of essays and articles to periodicals in English, French, and Russian.

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Additional information

Weight 4.0 lbs
Dimensions 6.25 × 2.5 × 9 in


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