An important recount of the events during the writing of the Secret Doctrine. Countess Wachtmeister was a prominent theosophist, a close friend of HPB and her companion during the years HPB wrote the Secret Doctrine in London from 1885 to 1888 when it was first published.
Product Details:
ISBN# 9780835604888
Paperback, 160 pages
Publisher: Quest Books, Published: October 5, 1989
Size: 5.3 x 0.5 x 8.26 inches, Weight: 0.6 Lbs.
Author – Countess Wachtmeister
(1838 – 1910)
After reading Blavatsky’s work Isis Unveiled with wonder and admiration as well as other Theosophical books, Constance Wachtmeister joined the Theosophical Society on November 24, 1880. She met Helena Petrovna Blavatsky for the first time in early 1884 in London at the home of A. P. Sinnett and his wife Patience. Soon after she received a letter from Blavatsky asking the Countess to visit her in Paris. She decided to go before returning home to Sweden and at that occasion also met the Society’s Vice President, William Quan Judge. When she finally had a private conversation with H.P.B., she was told that before two years had passed, she would devote her life wholly to Theosophy, which seemed impossible to Constance Wachtmeister at that time.
She happened to be in Germany when H.P.B. came there from India in 1884 and was ready to serve by entering H.P.B.’s household as an all-around helper and answering H.P.B.’s letters. She was attracted to Blavatsky’s indifference to praise or blame, to her sense of duty not to be shaken by any selfish considerations. She worked faithfully for H.P.B. until her death.
The countess served H.P.B. in the years when she wrote The Secret Doctrine and in Constance Wachtmeister’s own book Reminiscences of H.P.B. she writes about the remarkable phenomena she was privileged to see during the preparation of this work. During these years she became a close friend of H.P.B. and stood by her in time of great distress and anxiety, both physical and social.
To her is also due the credit for the successful establishment of the in London. The T.S.P. had been organized to publish and other Theosophical books and magazines. The countess had become seriously involved financially in this endeavor.
Excerpt of her biography taken from Theosophy.Wiki

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